Saturday 19 August 2017

No new Korean War!

Andy Brooks with the latest edition!
By New Worker correspondent
London comrades joined other peace campaigners outside the American embassy on Friday 11th August to protest against Donald Trump’s latest threats against north Korea. New Communist Party leader Andy Brooks and other members of the Central Committee gathered outside the centre of US imperialism in London to call on the US President to pursue a diplomatic solution to the crisis that is entirely of America’s making.
Some comrades sold the New Worker whilst others gave out Korean Friendship Association (KFA) leaflets to the crowd, which included a woman dressed as the “Statue of Taking Liberties” and a man wearing a Trump mask who had come along for the lunch-time protest in Grosvenor Square.
Even though the emergency protest was called at short notice by the Stop the War campaign and CND, there was still a good turn-out to hear the campaign speakers who later attempted to deliver a letter from the peace movements but were turned aside by US embassy staff.

Friday 11 August 2017

The Winds of War

IN A WEEK in which we’ve been remembering the hundreds of thousands killed when the Americans nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, we’ve heard the new US president mouthing off with his usual threats against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Donald Trump, emboldened no doubt by last weekend’s shameful decision of the United Nations Security Council to impose even more sanctions against the beleaguered beacon of socialism in Asia, bragged that: “North Korea best not make any more threats to the US. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.” But US threats count for little these days, least of all with the Korean People’s Army, who responded in turn by threatening to nuke the strategic US nuclear base on the Pacific island of Guam.
In the past the Americans have used the UN Security Council as a rubber-stamp for imperialist aggression against the former Yugoslavia, and regime change in Iraq and Libya. And Democratic Korea would clearly have been next if the DPRK did not now possesses nuclear missiles that can cross the Pacific and hit the American mainland.
As Lindsey German, the leader of the Stop the War movement said that Trump’s statement: “has been enough to strike fear into the hearts of millions of people. Unfortunately the world has already seen what Trump and his predecessors have been capable of, and it does not bode well for the future.”
She rightly said: “The alternative to war is demilitarisation and negotiation, something Trump refuses to contemplate... there are international agreements in favour of nuclear disarmament and of stopping proliferation. All Trump’s recent actions shows he will ignore them as the US continues to control the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world.
“This is a frightening point in world history and one where the populations of an increasingly crisis ridden world have every interest in stopping war. It is time to build a big movement against this.”
Democratic Korea has had no choice but to develop its nuclear energy programme and its own independent nuclear deterrent. The DPRK threatens no one. Its enemies are close by. US nuclear-armed warships are stationed off the Korean coast and thousands of US troops are in the south of Korea as well as in Japan. US imperialism wants to make the Pacific Ocean an American lake. US imperialism wants to perpetuate the division of Korea to justify the occupation of the south and ultimately to extinguish socialism in the Korean peninsula. All communists must stand by Democratic Korea and condemn all imperialist aims and threats.

Thursday 3 August 2017

Democratic Korea’s stupendous achievements

Dermot Hudson and James Taylor
By New Worker correspondent
The Chadswell Centre in central London once again became the venue for Korean solidarity activists gathering last weekend to commemorate the defeat of US imperialism and its lackeys in the Korean War, and to celebrate the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s successful launch of a new ICBM [intercontinental ballistic missile]. Called by the Korean Friendship Association (KFA), the meeting was opened by Dermot Hudson who praised the launch that strengthens Democratic Korea’s nuclear deterrent capacity. He said: “The US imperialists are putting immense pressure on People's Korea and we must rally around DPRK and defend it.” The latest missile test showed that the DPRK can not only defend itself from US imperialism but can win a war for national reunification, a war to liberate south Korea from the colonial rule of US imperialism.”
Other speakers included Theo Russell from the Central Committee of the New Communist Party, and KFA activists Shaun Pickford and James Taylor. Sadly Prof Dr Harish Gupta of the International Institute of the Juche Idea could not join us but his paper, detailing the great feats achieved by Korean communist leader Kim Il Sung in liberating Korea from Japanese colonialism and later defeating the might of US-led imperialism in the Fatherland Liberation War, was read out.
As usual there was plenty of time for questions and general discussion, which continued over refreshments after the meeting ended.