Friday 30 December 2011


  In Memoriam   


Tuesday 20 December 2011

Kim Jong Il

messages of condolence

Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK & the Juche Idea Study Group of England 

 We are very shocked to learn of the unexpected and tragic passing of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il , general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army. We never expected this to happen so suddenly. We ASSPUK and JISGE members share the deep grief of the Korean people.
The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il was the loyal and faithful successor to the great leader Generalissimo Kim Il Sung. He was the standard bearer of the Juche revolutionary cause , leading the Workers' Party of Korea over several decades. He ensured that the WPK became the party of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung defending the monolithic unity of the Workers' Party of Korea, smashing the attempts of modern revisionists, opportunists ,factionalists and great power chauvinists to defile the revolutionary constancy of Juche. When the imperialist reactionaries and renegades of socialism sneered at socialism , demanding that the DPRK "open up" and "reform" he declared "Expect No Change from Me "

He defended the purity of the Juche idea . He systematised and enriched the Juche idea . The Juche idea shines out a philosophy for achieving the independence of the popular masses . He developed the Songun idea an embodiment of the Juche idea and sword for defending socialist Korea The many works written by the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il are a priceless treasure of the world socialist movement. As supreme commander of the Korean People's Army comrade Kim Jong Il led the work of defence upbuilding and continued the cause of Juche-army building pioneered by the great leader President Kim Il Sung. Stressing the importance of the anti-imperialist military front led the DPRK to victory in the DPRK-US confrontation smiting the reactionary US imperialists by carrying out 2 nuclear tests so that the DPRK became a proud independent socialist nuclear power of Juche.
The great leader comrade Kim Jong Il led the struggle to build up the independent national economy . He made sure that the living standards of the Korean people were improved . Under his leadership the many social benefits enjoyed by the Korean people were preserved and further enhanced. He passed away whilst a trip of on the spot guidance, thus he was working for the people right up to the last minute. He had continued working hard at an age when most people retire.
Kim Jong Il, lodestar of national reunification, led the fellow Korean people along the road of independence and great national unity with his resolute will to implement the instructions of the President for national reunification and ushered in the June 15 era of reunification in which the noble idea of "By our nation itself" is materialized.

The great leader comrade Kim Jong Il led the cause of anti-imperialist independence throughout the world. Songun politics was an inspiration to the peoples struggling against imperialism and the Juche idea a powerful compass for defeating imperialism.

We Juche idea and Songun idea followers mourn the loss of a great leader not just of the Korean people but the entire world revolutionary movement. We share the grief of Juche idea followers the world over as well the revolutionary peoples of the world.
We are sure that the Korean people will turn sorrow into strength and courage , uniting behind the general Kim Jong Un, vice-chairman of the central military commission. May the Korean people under the leadership of general Kim Jong Un march forward along the path of Juche charted by the great leaders comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il . Victory to the Juche revolutionary cause ! The great leader comrade Kim Jong Il is immortal.


New Communist Party of Britain

We were saddened to hear of the sudden death of Kim Jong Il, the great leader of the DPR Korea who devoted his entire life to serving the Korean people.

Following Kim Il Sung’s footsteps Kim Jong Il led the Workers Party of Korea into the 21st century to build a strong and prosperous democratic republic. Kim Jong Il was a leading Marxist thinker who made an important contribution to the modern communist theory as well as an astute statesman who led the Korean people through thick and thin to overcome natural disasters, imperialist blockade and diplomatic isolation.

While ensuring the DPRK’s defence against the threats and provocations of US imperialism and its lackeys Kim Jong Il worked tirelessly to ease tension on the Korean peninsula to pave the way towards the peaceful reunification of Korea.

We are confident that the Workers Party of Korea, and the Korean people as a whole, will continue along the path charted by the first Korean communists who lit the flame of revolution on the Korean peninsula that now burns so bright in the DPR Korea.

On behalf of the Central Committee of the New Communist Party of Britain we send our heartfelt condolences to the Workers Party of Korea and the Korean people in their hour of grief.

Andy Brooks
General Secretary

Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

The Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist), its Central Committee and all its circles express their deepest sadness on the untimely passing of the great leader, Comrade Kim Jong Il, and send their heartfelt condolences to Comrade Kim Jong Un and the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea and, through them, to the entire Korean party and people. Your loss is our loss and a loss to all those fighting throughout the world for national and social liberation and emancipation and for the creation of a new world of socialised humanity.

In a turbulent world situation and in the face of the unceasing and brutal hostility, provocation and blockade of US imperialism and its allies, including successive British governments, Comrade Kim Jong Il has led the Korean party and people in continuing to build the socialist society of their choice, in the most trying circumstances, and defending the sovereignty and independence of the DPRK, while ceaselessly striving for the peaceful reunification of the Korean people by their own efforts. In this he has adhered faithfully to the Juche principles espoused by the great leader of the Korean people, President Kim Il Sung.

There is little doubt that without Comrade Kim Jong Il leading the continued building of the DPRK as an impregnable fortress, capable of devastating retaliation on any who violate the peace, the DPRK would long since have fallen prey to the criminal aggression and wanton destruction of Anglo-American imperialism, a repeat of the Korean War of such bitter memory, wreaked upon other countries in recent times. This stand has inspired and will continue to inspire the struggling peoples of the world.

We are convinced that the Korean party and its leadership and the entire Korean people will turn their great grief into strength and march forward on the road of building a prosperous socialist country, sovereign and independent, and bring into being their cherished goal of reuniting the Korean nation by its own efforts, without outside interference.  We, as they, will draw inspiration in our struggles from the heroic life and work of beloved Comrade Kim Jong Il.

Chris Coleman
National Spokesperson of RCPB(ML)

Kim Jong Il

1942 -- 2011

Co-ordinating Committee of Friends of Korea
c/o 170 Wandsworth Road, London SW8 2LA.

December 19th  2011 (Juche 100)

Message of Condolence

The Co-ordinating Committee of Friends of Korea, Britain, expresses its deepest condolences on the sad and untimely death of Kim Jong Il, the great leader of the Korean people. This is an incalculable loss of one who devoted his entire life until his last breath to serving the Korean people in the cause of building a human-centred society, a cause which is one espoused by the democratic and anti-imperialist forces the world over.

Kim Jong Il followed in the footsteps of the great leader Kim Il Sung, carrying forward his legacy, cherishing and working tirelessly for the reunification of the Korean Peninsula, and building the DPRK into an impregnable fortress in order to contribute to the peace and security of the region and on the world scale. It was by following and developing the principles and outlook of Juche that Kim Jong Il led the people in striving to fulfil the goal of building the DPRK into a powerful and prosperous country. It was a course which is being fulfilled by the deed of the people themselves, ever ready to defend this lofty ideal.

We express the sentiment of progressive opinion to stand as one in friendship and solidarity with the Korean people in these difficult times. Above all, we take it as our duty to defend the right of the Korean people to follow their own chosen nation-building path, free from outside interference. This is a course from which no hostile force can divert the Korean people and its leadership, and which contributes to the aspirations of peace-loving people everywhere for a new world free from imperialism, domination, subjugation, aggression and war.

The Friends of Korea in Britain express their confidence that the Workers’ Party of Korea, and the whole people of the DPRK, under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, will overcome all difficulties in carrying forward the legacy of Kim Jong Il. We salute Comrade Kim Jong Il in his passing, and underline our conviction that his contributions to the cause of progressive humanity and to bringing into being a new world and bright future will forever remain undimmed.

The Participating Organisations of Friends of Korea

 Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK
 Juche Idea Study Group of England
 New Communist Party of Britain
 Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
 Socialist Labour Party

Friday 14 October 2011

Korean communists fighting history

By New Worker correspondent
NEW COMMUNIST Party comrades joined other communists at seminar last week at the John Buckle Centre in south London to celebrate the 66th anniversary of the foundation of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK).
            The seminar at the London HQ of the RCPB (ML), called by the Friends of Korea co-ordinating committee, heard contributions from Korean solidarity activists on the achievements of the WPK and its great leaders Kim Il Song and Kim Jong Il, over the years.  
It was chaired by Dermot Hudson of the UK Korea Friendship Association and the discussion began with contributions from Michael Chant of the RCPB (ML), NCP general secretary Andy Brooks and DPR Korea London diplomat Mun Myong Sin on the importance and relevance of the Korean revolutionary experience to the world communist movement in the 21st century.
The NCP leader praised the feats of the WPK and denounced the hostile propaganda of imperialism against the DPRK in his contribution, which focused on the relevance and meaning of independence and self-sufficiency in Juche thinking.
 Michael Chant spoke about the importance and significance of the WPK and the great role of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and Dermot Hudson gave a succinct history of the Korean communists’ revolutionary struggle from the beginning of the struggle against Japanese colonial rule in the 1920s.
After a round-table discussion the seminar concluded with the unanimous agreement to send the following congratulatory message to Democratic Korean leader Kim Jong Il.

Friday 24 June 2011

Hail the Korean People's Struggle for Peaceful and Independent Reunification

Joint Statement, June 15th 2011

June 15 marks the 11th anniversary of the historic North-South Joint Declaration signed between Chairman Kim Jong Il of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and President Kim Dae Jung of the Republic of Korea in the year 2000. On this occasion, our parties and organisations reaffirm their support for the principles laid out in this historic document. It is a document that belongs not only to the Korean people, but also to all peace-loving people of the world. The peaceful and independent reunification of Korea is the desire of all the progressive forces worldwide, in opposition to the crimes of Anglo-US imperialism which wishes to maintain the status quo of division and tension on the Korean peninsula.
The June 15 North-South Joint Declaration was an historic landmark in the struggle of the Korean people to reunify their homeland forcibly divided by the US imperialists following World War Two. The Declaration opened up a new era for independence, peace, reconciliation and reunification on the Korean peninsula until the US-sponsored anti-national, anti-communist and retrogressive Lee Myung Bak regime in the south began to sabotage its spirit and principles.
The anniversary of the Joint Declaration this year is marked at a time when the intrigues of the US and the south Korean puppet regime are becoming increasingly dangerous as they work together to isolate and criminalise the DPRK and the movement for national reunification. This includes jailing reunification activists in the south under the fascist National Security Law, and carrying out one provocation after another such as the joint US-south Korean military exercises aimed at invading the DPRK and bringing the Korean peninsula ever closer to a cataclysmic nuclear war.
It is a fact that the US cannot forgive the DPRK for being the first country following the Second World War to defeat it on the battlefield, setting an example for all nations and people who aspire for independence and self-determination. Its revenge seeking against the DPRK continues unabated to this day.
In the face of these intrigues and betrayals by the US and the Lee Myung Bak regime, the DPRK has steadfastly upheld the principles laid out in the June 15 Joint Declaration. The DPRK has carried forward the struggle under the banner of “By the Nation Itself”. That is, the Korean people themselves must settle the issue of Korean reunification, peacefully and without outside interference. By upholding these principles, the DPRK has provided the Korean people with the political leadership that has enabled them to find their bearings in spite of the threats and grave dangers posed by US imperialism and the traitorous Lee regime.
We would also like to take this opportunity to hail the 47th anniversary on June 19 of the start of the work of General Secretary Comrade Kim Jong Il at the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea. The WPK is imbued with the concern for the whole of society, serving to unite the people around the cause of independence and socialism, in contrast to the bestiality and brutality of imperialism which stands for war and reaction. Those who take up responsibility for revolutionary leadership are greatly to be cherished, and it is a great testament to quality of leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Il that he has taken up this responsibility within the Central Committee of the WPK for these past 47 years.
Our parties and organisations once again reaffirm our steadfast opposition to all warmongering against the DPRK and the Korean people. We pledge our support for the Korean people’s movement for reunification, independence and peace, and to the leadership of Comrade Kim Jong Il and his Songun (army-first) politics, and that of the WPK, which is proudly and successfully carrying forward the historic cause of the June 15 Declaration.

Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
European Regional Society for the Study of the Juche Idea
Juche Idea Study Group of England
UK Korean Friendship Association
New Communist Party of Britain
Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
Socialist Labour Party

Friday 21 January 2011

Joint Statement of Participating Organisations of Friends of Korea

c/o 170 Wandsworth Road, London SW8 2LA.

January 13, 2011 (Juche 100)

We would like to give warm support to the Joint New Year Editorial carried by Rodong Sinmun, Joson Inmingun and Chongnyon Jonwi, leading newspapers of the DPRK on New Year’s Day: “Bring about a Decisive Turn in the Improvement of the People’s Standard of Living and the Building of a Great, Prosperous and Powerful Country by Accelerating the Development of Light Industry Once Again This Year”.
As well as being an inspiration to all throughout the world who wish the DPRK well, it gives the lie to the disinformation peddled here in Britain and elsewhere about the DPRK, its leadership, its economic and political situation, and its future prospects.
A major milestone in the life of the nation during 2010 was the Conference of the Workers’ Party of Korea, convened to greet the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Party. This was an event that captured the imagination of the world, demonstrating that the WPK and the Korean people are of one mind, determined to defend in every way the sovereignty of the DPRK and the path the people themselves have chosen.
The great upsurge which took place during 2010 further opened the path for improving the people’s living standards. For example, in the light industry, chemical industry and metal industry, modernisation projects made possible the mass production of steel, artificial fibres and fertiliser; hundreds of major projects in the infrastructure of the country, such as power stations and land reclamation, were brought to completion.
In the sphere of art and culture, the people gave free rein to their thoughts and feelings in order to produce works of art, literature and music which are mass-based and of high ideological and artistic quality.
Although these advances were carried out under an extremely tense international situation and in the teeth of vicious sanctions, the Workers’ Party of Korea remained pro-active, true to its revolutionary nature. The guidance provided by General Kim Jong Il proved invaluable. In particular, his two visits to China created an environment favourable for the revolutionary cause of the DPRK, and hence for progressive humanity.
The Korean people are faced with the immediate task of consolidating and further developing the successes already achieved in raising the people’s standard of living to a level commensurate with the DPRK’s being a prosperous and powerful country. This is the most important issue, the highest goal of the Party and people’s struggle.
To improve economic management is becoming ever more pressing at this time of the revitalisation of the national economy of the DPRK. In conjunction with this, the quality of education becomes crucial, and excellence in the spheres of literature and the arts, health care and sports is spurred on by the upsurge to accomplish a thriving nation-building project.
Even in the face of the vicious challenges of those who would like to keep the Korean nation permanently divided, the movement for national reunification made dynamic progress in 2010. The 10th anniversary of the June 15 Joint Declaration and the 30th anniversary of the proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo were marked significantly in the north, south and abroad. Humanitarian activities were conducted between the north and south despite the schemes of the conservative authorities and outside forces.
In this connection, we would also like to fully support the January 5 joint statement of the DPRK government, political parties and organisations at a joint meeting convened as regards the grave situation prevailing on the Korean Peninsula. Important proposals to the south Korean authorities, political parties and organisations were put forward in this joint statement reflecting the sentiment of all Koreans for peace and reunification.
The January 5 joint statement makes important proposals for wide-ranging dialogue and negotiations, for letting bygones be bygones and for discussing and solving important matters pertaining to the Korean nation. We assess that the immediate offer for the north and south to refrain from slanders and provocative acts is a very just, timely and sincere proposal. In common with all progressive forces who cherish justice, truth and peace, we extend the proposals our warm support and fervently hope that the south Korean authorities, political parties and organisations will respond positively to them.
We in Britain are uplifted by the optimism of the Joint New Year Editorial. The Korean people, rallied around the Central Committee of the WPK headed by General Kim Jong Il, do not make light of the difficulties and sacrifices on the road ahead. But the onward march of the revolutionary forces is an engine of great innovation to overcome the obstacles and provide solutions to the problems of opening the path to a great, prosperous and powerful society in the DPRK, and to a new society on a world scale.

Our Struggle Is One!

Strengthen the Unity between the Working People of Britain and the DPRK!

Victory to the Korean People’s Revolutionary Nation-Building Project!

Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
European Regional Society for the Study of the Juche Idea
UK Korean Friendship Association
New Communist Party of Britain
Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
Socialist Labour Party