Saturday 30 June 2012

Defending Democratic Korea

By New Worker correspondent

FRIENDS of the Korean people marked the 62nd anniversary of the start of the US-led imperialist attack on Democratic Korea with a picket outside the American embassy in London on Monday.
 NCP leader Andy Brooks joined other comrades in the afternoon protest, called by the UK Korea Friendship Association and the New Communist Party of Britain, in solidarity with the DPR Korea as part of the world-wide month of solidarity with the Korean people.'

Giant steps for Juché Korea

Andy Brooks, Michael Chant and Dermot Hudson
by New Worker correspondent
MILLIONS of Koreans took part in a week of celebrations in April to celebrate the centenary of the birth of great leader Kim Il Sung. They were joined by hundreds of communists, academics and progressives from all over the world who had come to Pyongyang to take part in the World Congress of the Juché Idea, the ideology of independence, anti-imperialism and socialism developed by Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, which is the guiding light of the Korean communist movement.
            Two of them, New Communist Party leader Andy Brooks and Dermot Hudson from the Juché Idea Study Group, recalled what they saw at a Korean friendship meeting last Saturday in London’s historic Marx House.
This included the great military parade in the heart of the capital that was addressed by Kim Jong Un, First Secretary of the WPK and supreme leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It was followed by a grand firework display along the Taedong river held on 15th April, the anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, the eternal president of the DPRK.
This month sees the start of the month of solidarity with the Korean people against US imperialism and Michael Chant spoke of the need to remind people of the horrors of the Korean War and the threat to peace posed by the continued partition of the Korean peninsula.
After the formal reports, and the showing of a new film from Democratic Korea, the meeting was opened for general discussion and the debate that followed covered the lies of the bourgeois media, the DPRK satellite launch, cultural exchanges and the campaign to build solidarity with the DPR Korea.
The Friends of Korea committee consists of the New Communist Party of Britain, Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (ML), Socialist Labour Party, European Regional Society for the Study of the Juché Idea and the UK Korean Friendship Association. Meetings are open to all friends of the Korean revolution and the committee organises events throughout the year in London, which are listed by the supporting movements and on the Friends of Korea blog. 

The meeting agreed unanimously to send the following message to Comrade Kim Jong Un:

Co-ordinating Committee of Friends of Korea 
c/o 170 Wandsworth Road, London SW8 2LA.

June 23, 2012 (Juche 101)

To the Supreme Leader of the Korean People,
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un

Dear Comrade Kim Jong Un

On the occasion of this meeting held by Friends of Korea, DPRK Eyewitness Reports, marking the 48th anniversary of the start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea on June 19 by Comrade Kim Jong Il, we send our most heartfelt congratulations on this notable occasion. In so doing, we believe we embody the sentiment of the progressive forces of Britain who are seeking a way out of the crisis and desire a bright future, as the Korean people have forged for themselves.

The Workers’ Party of Korea is imbued with a humanity and concern for the whole of society. It serves to unite the people around the cause of independence and socialism, in contrast to the aggression and brutality of imperialism which stands for war and outright reaction.

We stand as one in friendship and solidarity with the Korean people. We vigorously defend the right of the Korean people to follow their own chosen path, free from all outside interference. And we are greatly inspired by the advances and radical turn made by the Korean people, as our members have seen with their own eyes.

This meeting organised by the Friends of Korea expresses its profound admiration for your work and leadership, advancing along the path opened up by Comrade Kim Il Sung and further developed by Comrade Kim Jong Il. We regard the Korean people’s victories as our victories, as we struggle for the same ideals and against the same enemies.

Our common cause is that of the defence of independence and sovereignty of peoples and nations, and our common conviction is that humanity will achieve a world where the people are the masters of their own destiny.

Michael Chant (Secretary)
On behalf of all the participants at the Meeting of Friends of Korea
Marx Memorial Library, Marx House, London

Tuesday 5 June 2012

DPRK Eyewitness reports